Atelier auto-hypnose, magnétisme & digiponcture

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By combining self-hypnosis, magnetism and digitopuncture, this session will bring relaxation while boosting the body's vital energies.
Through self-hypnosis, we'll enjoy a moment of deep relaxation that allows us to detach ourselves from the outside world and let go, finally, so that we can reconnect with ourselves.
We will then learn to feel the flow of energy so that we can stimulate and energise it.
Then, using certain self-massage techniques (digitopuncture), we will manually stimulate certain energy points to ensure that the body's general metabolism functions properly.
A little break that you can give yourself to recharge your batteries and combat stress.
Période(s) d'ouvertureFrom 19/12/2023 to 23/04/2024, daily at 10 am.
In short
  • Informations activite :
    • Place Salle polyvalente de Vallandry


One price: 10 €.
Thérapeute et hypnothérapeute Emilie Llorca
Phone : +33 4 79 07 94 28
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Salle polyvalente de Vallandry73210VALLANDRY
  • Spoken language(s) :
    • French


GPS coordinates
Latitude : 45.556305
Longitude : 6.761885

We also suggest...

A personalized accompaniment, in respect and benevolence, adapted to your needs and your rhythm. Heal your body and mind, relieve your pain and find happiness and joy of living with confidence.