Chasse au Dahu

Cultural activities
  • perso_cad.png
  • Chasse au dahu
perso_cad.pngChasse au dahu

Come along, you youngsters, you children eager to discover new things. Monsieur Bobine is organising his photo festival around the theme of the Dahu. Discover the mysteries of our valley and this legendary animal!
Difficulty: easy
Duration: 1 hour
Age: between 4 and 8 years old
Location: Vallandry
Departure: Vallandry cinema
Période(s) d'ouvertureAll year round, daily.
In short
  • Informations activite :
    • Duration (minutes) 60


One price: 25 €.
Merlyn Escape Game
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  • Spoken language(s) :
    • French


GPS coordinates
Latitude : 45.556362
Longitude : 6.761839

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