Grand Tour de Tarentaise - Hiking 27 days
Track information
Elevation (m)
Distance (km)
Wandering duration (days)

Circuit n° 1
- Environnements :
- Mountain location
- Itinéraire (1.52 Mo)
- Gare SNCF (381 o)
- Accès en navette (1.14 Ko)
- Rejoindre l'itinéraire à partir de la gare Notre Dame de Briançon en taxi (6.14 Ko)
- Rejoindre l'itinéraire à partir des Eucherts à La Rosière à pied (3.97 Ko)
- Rejoindre l'itinéraire à partir de Bon Conseil à pied (3.39 Ko)
- Rejoindre l'itinéraire à partir du Pont de la Pêche à pied (2.52 Ko)
- revenir à la gare Notre Dame de Briançon à pied (2.63 Ko)
- Cirkwi-Grand_Tour_de_Tarentaise_(27_jours_-_à_composer_à_sa_guise) (2.42 Mo)
In short
- Type d'itinéraire :
- Durée :
- Long Trek sur plusieurs jours
- Levels of sporting experience :
- Level red – hard
- For experts / practiced
- Pedestrian sports :
- Pedestrian sports
- Hiking itinerary
- Ouvertures complementaires :
- Subject to favorable weather
- Subject to snow conditions
- Natures terrain :
- Groomed trail
- Rock
- Stone
- Ground
- Grit
- Not suitable for strollers
- References topoguides :
- Editions Glénat, collection Rando Evasion "Le Grand Tour de Tarentaise" Prix : 15€
- Buch : Editions Glénat, collection Rando Evasion "Le Grand Tour de Tarentaise" Preis : 15€
- Editions Glénat, Rando Evasion "Le Grand Tour de Tarentaise" collection Price: €15
- Informations Pratiques :
- Itinéraire balisé
- Period :
- Summer
- Spring
- Sitra promotion typology :
- Open air
Discover the whole valley at your own pace via the Grand Tour de Tarentaise, from two days to several weeks, according to your own plans and the different sectors: Beaufortain/Mont Blanc, Haute Tarentaise, Around La Plagne, Vanoise, Three Valleys, Lauzière.
Sectors :
- Beaufortain / Mont-Blanc: 4 to 5 days, approximately 4,400 meters of ascending elevation.
- Haute Tarentaise: 4 to 6 days, approximately 3,400m of ascending elevation.
- Around La Plagne: 4 days, about 3,400m of ascending elevation.
- Vanoise: 4 to 6 days, approximately 3,600m of ascending elevation.
- Three Valleys: 4 to 5 days, approximately 2,400m of ascending elevation.
- Lauzière: 3 to 4 days, approximately 1,600m of ascending elevation.
- Beaufortain / Mont-Blanc: 4 to 5 days, approximately 4,400 meters of ascending elevation.
- Haute Tarentaise: 4 to 6 days, approximately 3,400m of ascending elevation.
- Around La Plagne: 4 days, about 3,400m of ascending elevation.
- Vanoise: 4 to 6 days, approximately 3,600m of ascending elevation.
- Three Valleys: 4 to 5 days, approximately 2,400m of ascending elevation.
- Lauzière: 3 to 4 days, approximately 1,600m of ascending elevation.