Vallandry / Arc 1800 via Barmont
Track information
Elevation (m)
Distance (km)
Daily duration (minutes)

Circuit n° 1
- Environnements :
- Mountain location
In short
- Type d'itinéraire :
- Durée :
- 1 à 2 heures
- Levels of sporting experience :
- Level bue - easy
- Pedestrian sports :
- Pedestrian sports
- Hiking itinerary
- Natures terrain :
- Ground
- Hard coating (tar, cement, flooring)
- Suitable for all terrain strollers
- Informations Pratiques :
- Itinéraire balisé
- Accessible tourism :
- Not accessible in a wheelchair
- Period :
- Autumn
- Summer
- Winter
- Spring
- Open year round
- Sitra promotion typology :
- Open air
Easy stroll on a road closed to public traffic. Groomed in winter.
Nice forest stroll. Nice view on the Mont Blanc and the Tarentaise valley.
Start point : Vallandry chairlift.
Take the path in front of the "Tom pouce" nursery, pass behind the restaurant "la Bergerie de Raphael". Turn right on the road and follow further up. You will arrive at a point where the road is closed to traffic by a barrier. Pass on the side and walk 1km. Passs the second barrierv and turn left to arrive close to the "jardin alpin" chairlift or the bus stop "Chantemouche".
Start point : Vallandry chairlift.
Take the path in front of the "Tom pouce" nursery, pass behind the restaurant "la Bergerie de Raphael". Turn right on the road and follow further up. You will arrive at a point where the road is closed to traffic by a barrier. Pass on the side and walk 1km. Passs the second barrierv and turn left to arrive close to the "jardin alpin" chairlift or the bus stop "Chantemouche".
OT Peisey-Vallandry
Phone : +33 4 79 07 94 28